Read all about the children in Kids 2's pets! They are so special that they got their own certificate!
Amazing work!
(Hacer click en las imágenes para agrandarlas)
Doradito, Sofía F.'s goldfish:
Tobi, Carlos's dog:
Felicidad, Martina's dog:
Scott, Felipe's dog:
Luna, Josefina's dog:
Manchis, Ramiro's rabbit:
Rosada, Sofía P.'s fish:
Rodrigo, Facundo's fish:
Lourdes, Lautaro's dog:
Spinki, Ignacio's rabbit:
Santiago; Lucas's cat:
Geniol, Gonzalo's dog:
Taiz, Juan Ignacio's dog:
Red, Nicolás A.'s goldfish:
Felipe, Florencia's dog:
Tomás, Sol's dog:
Sowy, Nicolás B.'s dog:
Peter, Santiago's dog: